58) Watch 100 films I haven't seen before - In Progress [9/100]
- Tropic Thunder - why did the Vietnamese speak Mandarin? Other than that, a good laugh out loud (or if you prefer, 'lol') film.
- Ponyo - see below
82) Go to a Morecambe match - DONE (23/02/10)

A cold Tuesday night consisting of trams, drunk Mancs, snow and a burnt mouth from eating my Balti pie too quickly. The football? League 2 standard. But I definitely wasn't let down by the atmosphere - something that Jack had told us about. A constant stream of chants, songs and war cries were accompanied with a bass drum for the whole 90 minutes. Even a chorus of "Shoes off, if you love Morecambe" left a group of people balancing on one leg. Shame I wasn't able to celebrate a goal. Maybe next time...when the sun's out.
92) Watch the entire Studio Ghibli collection - In Progress [1/19]
The number is just an estimate since a quite a few are TV spots or are Japanese only (some of which I've included anyways along with soon-to-be released films). I've seen about 5 already from when I was much younger so I am definitely looking forward to bringing back these memories.
- Ponyo - It annoys me when people are so closed minded when it comes to experiencing anything different - hence only four of us went to see this at the AMC. I wasn't disappointed and left the cinema with a big smile on my face humming the tune played over the closing credits. The animation was amazing but something which I've come to expect from Miyazaki with many similarities to his previous films. To those who would only watch a film if there's explosions or gore then, believe it or not, this isn't the film for you. This is a kid's film. But a brilliant one at that.
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