3) Donate blood 3 times - In Progress [1/3]
Thursday 9th Feb - My first time
along with Danielle. Pretty straightforward and I was surprised how normal I felt afterwards considering I have had quite a low blood pressure since childhood. I'm not going to say no to free biscuits though. Giving blood has been high on my list for a few years but I've never gotten round to it. If you're the same then I urge you to book an appointment...now!

along with Danielle. Pretty straightforward and I was surprised how normal I felt afterwards considering I have had quite a low blood pressure since childhood. I'm not going to say no to free biscuits though. Giving blood has been high on my list for a few years but I've never gotten round to it. If you're the same then I urge you to book an appointment...now!
58) Watch 100 films I haven't seen before - In Progress [7/100]
- No Country For Old Men - a very long...and slow...film... But good nontheless.
- Funny People - even longer. It felt like a full 90 minute comedy film...with an extra hour drama thrown in. I'd rather Sandler stuck to Zohan-esque films.
- My Name is Khan - Could a film possibly be longer than the previous two? Yes, but I didn't mind one bit (except for the numb arse). This was a brilliant feel-good film with bags of emotion and an ounce of humour. There was an abundance of overacting but what else can you expect from a 'Bollywood' film.
- The Island - Rubbish.
First one found on Sackville St. ...which I've walked down many a time and never noticed it before. Ah well.
101) Get back in touch with my artistic side - In Progress
My 'leave-it-too-late-to-get-a-decent-costume' t-shirts for Chloe's birthday night out. Shame I didn't have any fabric pens. Sharpies didn't do it justice.

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