9) Go to a festival - DONE (06/03/10)
Holi - a Hindu 'Festival of Colours'. This wasn't what I had in mind when writing the task (mainly thinking of Leeds/Reading), but I guess it still counts. I didn't even register in my head that this was a festival until on the way back from it. But it was a good laugh - there's something oddly satisfying about rubbing paint onto a stranger's face. Washing my hair afterwards was almost psychedelic. I'm still wanting to go to a music festival at some point though.
28) Be part of a flashmob - DONE (14/03/10)
There was a Flashmob arranged for a few months ago in Sainsburys but, for some reason, it never happened. But then I was surprised to be invited to a new Flashmob, in the same place with the same aim (stand completely still for 5 minutes) but on the weekend coming. Over 200 people were put as 'Attending' but I could forsee it being...well...a big failure frankly. Needless to say, me and Harry still went; and also needless to say, we dressed up as Mario and Luigi.
...Wait. What?
Yeah, it was an interesting experience standing in the pizza section each posing holding a pizza. Shame there were only about 5 people in total taking part. Big failure indeed.
32) Get a 1st in my degree - In Progress
Got my results a few days earlier than they said...and it was still a week after everyone had theirs. Averaged 74.5% which I am very pleased with considering I was expecting a 2:1. I suspect that everyone was marked up though but I'm not complaining.
41) Win Premier League with Hartlepool... - In Progress
Hartlepool are now in the Premier League! After 2 successive promotions, Mr. Drunkenmo has propelled this lowly club to the dizzying heights of the top tier with star players such as Bjornsson, Liddle, Brown along with new signings Moses, Kightly, Mched...michyle...Michy among others performing admirably. This season will be tough but the players are ready for a relegation dogfight. Bring it on!
- Boat Trip - A film about two straight guys thrown on a gay cruise. Hilarity ensues surely? Well, as long as you're not expecting a clever film then you will get some laughs out of it - mainly through the many predictable clichés.
- Finding Nemo - I still don't know why it's taken until now for me to see it - I probably didn't believe the hype. I mean, I could pretty much quote half of the movie before even seeing it thanks to Danielle and Aarti. Still, a great animation with good laughs.
- Up - Disappointed that I didn't see this in 3D but an enjoyable film nontheless. It amused, entertained and managed to deliver emotion at the same time. Impressive.
- Walk The Line - Great film even though I knew nothing about Johnny Cash beforehand (except Ring Of Fire). Brilliant acting by Joaquin but I wasn't so sure about Reese - I'll always just see her as a ditsy blonde lawyer. Anyways, as the great John Dorian once said, "Yeah, I know I'm not exactly the jockey type, but I watched Hoosiers last night and I like sports now." And I like Johnny Cash now.
I am now starting to regret having this as a task - it seems to be a bit counterproductive. This one brings the total to -£4.
78) Dress up as Mario - DONE (14/03/10)
It wasn't for the Flashmob that we dressed up for - that was just a coincidence (if you can call it that...). The main reason was for Debbie's birthday. Heroes and Villians. All we needed now was a Princess Peach, some goombas and a Bowser. Many ideas came up - mostly ludicrous like paying a hobo to shuffle sideways slowly whilst we jump on his head, or making a shell, putting it on someone random, and beating the sh*t out of him. Okay, maybe not so much ludicrous as demented. Anyways, it was an...average night, mainly due to the fact I wasn't drinking. I mean, who's going to want to hire a hungover plumber in the morning?

92) Watch the entire Studio Ghibli collection - In Progress [2/19]
- Kiki's Delivery Service - Realised I had a few of these films on video back in Newcastle so thought I would watch a random one during my 'surprise' visit back home. This is such a simple, charming film which many people could relate their childhood to - not a small feat by Miyazaki since the main character is a witch. One of Miyazaki's finest.
A lazy sunday morning culminated in a session on Paint doing what I used to love best; drawing random things. I was only planning on drawing the one thing but it became a pretty good template so I just kept going; spending 5 minutes average on each one.

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