Tuesday, 4 January 2011


12) Get fit - DONE
Playing 5-a-side every Monday for Snake Face (awesome name, I know) has been the real kicker. It started off with me being knackered after 10 minutes (competitive 5-a-side is bloody intensive) to being able to finish the whole match easily and not ache the day after! Training sessions midweek helped as well and now I feel the fittest that I've ever been. Let's hope I keep it up.

13) Pass driving test -  DONE (05/11/10)
After learning over summer, I tried to book in for my test before coming back to Uni but there wasn't any available slots. This meant having to come back over Reading Week, have a couple of lessons then hope for the best. The day came I felt fine - no nerves whatsoever. Sitting in the car at the start of the test was a different story though. Didn't help that my examiner was a intimidating figure (6' 6"?) although having a Rhod Gilbert look to him. Breezed through the test though and ended up with 6 minors - most for going too slow! Not planning on getting a car though, but I'm glad it's over and done with and the pink driving license is on the way!

17) Go to 5 gigs - DONE (15/11/10 - 27/11/10)

  • Hot Chip, LCD Soundsystem
  • Anberlin
  • Paramore
  • Jimmy Eat World
  • The National
and also Biffy Clyro (3/12/10).

LCD Soundsystem were fine but by the time Hot Chip came on, I had lost interest. Anberlin were troubled with the sound balance again unfortunately. Paramore and Jimmy Eat World were both top notch and I was pleasantly surprised by The National - great gig! Biffy Clyro, however, were amazing. Best gig I've been to.

51) Perfect the yorkshire pudding pizza -  DONE (18/11/10)
With help from housemate Josh with the Yorkshire pudding recipe, me and Harry finally perfected it! About time too. Great reviews all round from my housemates and me and Harry blew a sigh of relief, probably with a mouthful of tasty tasty pizza. 

58) Watch 100 films I haven't seen before -  In Progress [48/100]
  • The Social Network - A film about Facebook. A film with a surprisingly rich background and storyline. Aaron Chow like this. 
  • Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows - Part 1 - I'm not a Harry Potter fan. Not read any of the books and only seen the first film (vaguely). Cousin had a spare ticket though so I thought I may as well. I'm guessing I would've enjoyed it if I knew the background. Maybe.
  • Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest - Third of the series and like the others, enjoyable and exciting to watch. Encouraging me to read the books.
  • 3 Men And A Baby - A 'classic' apparently. Good fun though but would probably not bother with the sequel.
  • Hairspray - The second of an unplanned late night film marathon because no one could be bothered to get up and go to bed. Enjoyable. Had to replay the end because of a set of drunken Santa Claus (Clauses? Clausi?) interrupting. 
  • Sweeney Todd - Been meaning to watch this for a while and it was great. Not been much of a fan of musical films but the past two say otherwise...
  • Back To The Future - Can't believe I've not seen these yet. It was on in the background whilst we were having a family get together/meal and I thoroughly enjoyed it, and now understand where many parodies were derived from! Will need to watch the sequels.
61) Invent a food - DONE (18/11/10)
Yorkshire Pudding Pizza - see above.

67) Buy 10 scratchcards - In Progress [4/10]
Won my pound back. WOOOOOO!

81) Buy christmas presents for friends/family without being told what to get - DONE
My parents always insist on choosing their own presents - I guess I can see the logic in it by not having to return it if/when they don't like it but it's not really in the spirit of things. Anyway, this year I decided to do things differently. A success as well apart from someone buying my sister the same book as me. Dammit. 

86) Sell my first year maths books - DONE (30/09/11)
Found a website which gives students the opportunities to buy/sell course books so I stuck mine on. A week later and the 2 books I had were gone with a healthy wad of cash in hand.